Iridian specializes in providing custom bandpass filter solutions for a wide range of applications. Our in house design software, multiple deposition platform options and 20 years’ experience dealing with a wide range of applications allow you to optimize band pass filter performance and cost for your needs. We partner with you from prototype to volume production to support you and the success of your business.
Our filters are all deposited using energetic sputtering, ensuring a hard durable, environmentally stable coating from the visible to the MLWIR (300nm to 10um), or with evaporation in the LWIR 10-15um. The resulting filters also have exceptionally high transmittance levels and blocking providing the highest signal with the lowest background for your application.

We also offer a range of standard bandpass filters available for immediate purchase online.
Iridian’s bandpass filters offer:
- High transmission in the bandpass region- typically greater than 95% .
- Accurate center wavelength control and uniformity
- Low passband IL and ripple
- Narrow bandpass <1nm – Steep slopes from full transmission to full blocking
- Blocking >OD6 (60dB)
- Wide blocking ranges
- CWL at any wavelength from the UV to the mid IR (~340 nm to 15 µm)
Some Applications for our bandpass filters include: